Alfamart Digital Voucher Code is a digital shopping voucher consisting of 12 digits of Alphabet and Numeric. This voucher can only be used for transactions in Alfamart throughout Indonesia. For any other payment methods that can be used for the transaction in Alfamart, you can directly ask the Alfamart Customer Service.
Where to use
Alfamart voucher can be used in all Alfamart outlet.
Term and Condition
- Not allowed to print the received Voucher Code.
- Voucher can only be used at all Alfamart Outlet.
- Voucher can't be used at Alfamidi and Alfa Express Outlet.
How to Use
- Show the voucher code to the cashier.
- Check the merchant's name, the voucher value and the voucher code.
- The cashier will input the code to do the payment.
Table of Contents