IAK will send response to your callback URL to inform you about prepaid transaction you did before. There are only two possible response that IAK will send to your callback URL: success/failed response.
In production environment, IAK will send the response to your callback URL automatically.
Set your production callback URL here
In development environment, IAK don't send response automatically to your callback URL. You can simulate the response to your callback URL through sandbox report.
Set your development callback URL here
Learn more about sandbox report
Method | Path |
POST | Your callback URL |
Response parameter
IAK will send below response to your callback URL for both version 1 and version 2.
See the different between version 1 and 2 here
Field | Type | Description | Mandatory |
ref_id | String | Your order number / reference ID (must unique) | Yes |
status | String | Transaction status. List of status: 0:PROCESS 1: SUCCESS 2:FAILED | Yes |
code | String | Product Code | Yes |
hp | String | Customer ID | Yes |
price | String | Product price | Yes |
message | String | Topup message | Yes |
sn | String | Serial number. See sn format | No |
pin | String | Pin. Will only appear in several Games Vouchers | No |
activation_code | String | Activation Code. Will only appear in Esim Product | No |
balance | String | Final balance | Yes |
tr_id | String | IAK transaction ID | Yes |
rc | String | IAK response code. See rc list | Yes |
sign | String | md5(username+api_key+ref_id) | Yes |
Success Response Example
Below is the example of success response that will sent to your callback URL.
- Game
"data": {
"ref_id": "order001",
"status": "1",
"code": "hsteam12000",
"hp": "0817777215",
"price": "16500",
"message": "SUCCESS",
"pin": "123456789",
"balance": "996994749",
"tr_id": "3487",
"rc": "00",
"sign": "96e1028f6beaa817ee3670a39c01c69d"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- Esim
"data": {
"ref_id": "order001",
"status": "1",
"code": "hsteam12000",
"hp": "0817777215",
"price": "16500",
"message": "SUCCESS",
"activation_code": "LPA:1$$9876543210123456789ABCDEFGHGFEDC",
"balance": "996994749",
"tr_id": "3487",
"rc": "00",
"sign": "96e1028f6beaa817ee3670a39c01c69d"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- Other Products
"data": {
"ref_id": "order002",
"status": "1",
"code": "xld25000",
"hp": "0817777215",
"price": "25000",
"message": "SUCCESS",
"sn": "123456789",
"balance": "997061249",
"tr_id": "3482",
"rc": "00",
"sign": "96e1028f6beaa817ee3670a39c01c69d"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Failed Response Example
Below is the example of failed response that will sent to your callback URL.
"data": {
"ref_id": "order003",
"status": "2",
"code": "xld50000",
"hp": "0817777215",
"price": "50000",
"message": "FAILED",
"balance": "997011249",
"tr_id": "3486",
"rc": "07",
"sign": "96e1028f6beaa817ee3670a39c01c69d"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Tutorial Video
You can see this video for callback code explanation using Laravel.

Or you can see this video for callback code explanation using PHP.