API to pay E-Samsat.
Method | Path |
POST | api/v1/bill/check |
Request Body
Attributes | Type | Description | Mandatory |
commands | String | Value: pay-pasca | Yes |
username | String | Your registered phone number | Yes |
tr_id | Integer | IAK inquiry ID | Yes |
sign | String | Signature. Value: md5(username+api_key+tr_id) | Yes |
"commands" : "pay-pasca",
"username" : "123123123",
"tr_id" : "24462352",
"sign" : "e4fe9e9c8ba737d6897e7f15bb1380a0"
Attributes | Type | Description | Mandatory |
tr_id | Integer | IAK inquiry ID | Yes |
code | String | Product code | Yes |
datetime | String | Transaction time (Format YmdHis) | Yes |
hp | String | ESAMSAT payment code | Yes |
tr_name | String | Bill account name | Yes |
period | String | Bill period | Yes |
nominal | Double | Bill nominal | Yes |
admin | Double | Admin fee | Yes |
response_code | String | Response code. See response code list | Yes |
message | String | Message | Yes |
price | Double | Total price that must be paid (nominal + admin fee) | Yes |
selling_price | Double | Deducted balance (price - commission) | Yes |
balance | Double | Client remaining balance | Yes |
noref | String | Biller reference number (if exist) | No |
ref_id | String | Your order number / reference ID ( must unique ) | Yes |
desc | Object | Product description | Yes |
desc.nomor_identitas | String | Customer identity number | Yes |
desc.nomor_rangka | String | Vehicle identification number | Yes |
desc.nomor_mesin | String | Machine number | Yes |
desc.alamat | String | Address | Yes |
desc.milik_kenama | String | Vehicle status whether the vehicle has been sold or not | Yes |
desc.merek_kb | String | Vehicle brand | Yes |
desc.tahun_buatan | String | Year made | Yes |
desc.tgl_akhir_pajak_baru | String | Valid until | Yes |
desc.biaya_pokok | Object | Basic fee | Yes |
desc.biaya_pokok.BBN | String | Bea balik nama fee | Yes |
desc.biaya_pokok.PKB | String | Pajak kendaraan bermotor fee | Yes |
desc.biaya_pokok.SWD | String | Sumbangan wajib dana kecelakaan lalu lintas fee | Yes |
desc.biaya_denda | Object | Penalty fee | Yes |
desc.biaya_denda.BBN | String | Bea balik nama penalty fee | Yes |
desc.biaya_denda.PKB | String | Pajak kendaraan bermotor penalty fee | Yes |
desc.biaya_denda.SWD | String | Sumbangan wajib dana kecelakaan lalu lintas penalty fee | Yes |
desc.biaya_admin | Object | Admin fee | Yes |
desc.biaya_admin.stnk | String | Surat tanda nomor kendaraan admin fee | Yes |
desc.biaya_admin.tnkb | String | Tanda nomor kendaraan bermotor admin fee | Yes |
desc.biaya_parkir_pokok | String | Main parking fee | Yes |
desc.biaya_pajak_progresif | String | Progressive tax fee | Yes |
desc.ntpd | String | ESAMSAT transaction number | Yes |
"data": {
"tr_id": 24462352,
"code": "ESAMSAT.JABAR",
"datetime": "20190812180154",
"hp": "9658548523560000",
"tr_name": "TESTING ESAMSAT",
"period": "20181022-20191022",
"nominal": 2274500,
"admin": 5000,
"response_code": "00",
"message": "PAYMENT SUCCESS",
"price": 2279500,
"selling_price": 2277000,
"balance": 999490800,
"noref": "9658548523568701",
"ref_id": "978994691299",
"desc": {
"nomor_identitas": "0212502110170100",
"nomor_rangka": "MHKV5EA2JFJ001044",
"nomor_mesin": "1NRF012268",
"alamat": "GRIYA BULELENG 2 RT 005 RW 014 BULELENG",
"nomor_polisi": "DK 1243AL",
"milik_kenama": "001",
"merek_kb": "DAIHATSU",
"model_kb": "XENIA 1.3 R M\/T F653RV-GMDFJ",
"tahun_buatan": "2018",
"tgl_akhir_pajak_baru": "20191022",
"biaya_pokok": {
"BBN": "0",
"PKB": "2131500",
"SWD": "143000"
"biaya_denda": {
"BBN": "0",
"PKB": "0",
"SWD": "0"
"biaya_admin": {
"stnk": "0",
"tnkb": "0"
"biaya_parkir_pokok": "0",
"biaya_pajak_progresif": "0",
"ntpd": "Q8T3L318R0Z3"
"meta": []
Live Testing
Request URL
Request Method
Request Header
Content-Type: application/json
Tutorial Video
You can see this video for payment code explanation using Laravel.

Or you can see this video for payment code explanation using PHP.

Table of Contents