Response Code

HTTP Status Code

Status CodeDescriptionStatusSolution
200 - OKEverything worked as expectedSuccess/FailedCheck list response code below.
400 - Bad RequestThe request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameterFailedCheck the data error_details for error information.
OTHERSomething went wrong on IAK's endPendingContact our customer service for more information.

200 - OK

Below is all of response code for postpaid transaction.

Response codeDescriptionStatusSolution
00PAYMENT / INQUIRY SUCCESSSuccessYour inquiry or payment is successfully processed.
01INVOICE HAS BEEN PAIDFailedThe invoice with your inputted data has already been paid. You don’t need to pay it again, or you can check for your inputted customer_id.
02BILL UNPAIDFailedYour bill is unpaid, only reaching inquiry status. Please finish your payment first.
03INVALID REF IDFailedYour inputted ref_id isn’t valid. Please follow the correct format for ref_id (alpha_num only without space). Try again with a valid ref_id.
04BILLING ID EXPIREDFailedYour reference ID (ref_id) is expired. Please inquiry and payment on the same day. You can retry your inquiry request with a different reference ID (ref_id).
05UNDEFINED ERRORPendingYour transaction failed because of an undefined error. Please try again.
06INQUIRY ID NOT FOUNDFailedThe inquiry ID (tr_id) that you’ve inputted is not found, there is no inquiry with that ID. You can check the inquiry ID (tr_id) field for any typos, or try using another inquiry ID.
07TRANSACTION FAILEDFailedYour transaction has failed. Please try again.
08BILLING ID BLOCKEDFailedThe customer ID for your inputted product code is blocked by IAK. Please contact our Customer Service.
09INQUIRY FAILEDFailedYour inquiry process failed. Please try to do the inquiry again.
10BILL IS NOT AVAILABLEFailedThe bill isn’t available yet. Please try again when the bill is already available.
11DUPLICATE REF IDFailedThe ref_id that you’ve inputted is already been inputted, try again with another ref_id.
13CUSTOMER NUMBER BLOCKEDFailedYour customer number (hp) has been blocked. You can change your customer number (hp) or contact our Customer Service.
14INCORRECT DESTINATION NUMBERFailedThe destination number (hp) that you’ve inputted is incorrect. Try checking your destination number (hp) for typos or try with another destination number (hp).
15NUMBER THAT YOU ENTERED IS NOT SUPPORTEDFailedCustomer number that you’ve inputted isn’t supported by your inputted product_code. Try again with another customer number or product_code.
16NUMBER DOESN'T MATCH THE OPERATORFailedYour customer number (hp) that you’ve inputted doesn’t match with your desired operator (code). Please check again your customer number or change your operator.
17BALANCE NOT ENOUGHFailedYour current balance is lower than the product price you want to buy. You can add more money into your deposit by doing top up on deposit menu (, or if you are in development mode, you can add your development deposit by clicking the + (plus) sign on development deposit menu (
18THIS DESTINATION NUMBER HAS BEEN BLOCKEDFailedThe customer_id that you inputted is not in whitelist. You can add customer number whitelist in API Security menu whitelist ( on
20PRODUCT UNREGISTEREDFailedYour inputted code isn’t in the database. Check again your code, you can check code list by using Pricelist API.
30PAYMENT HAVE TO BE DONE VIA COUNTER / PDAMFailedYour inputted payment has to be done at the counter. Please do your transaction at the counter.
31TRANSACTION REJECTED DUE TO EXCEEDING MAXIMAL TOTAL BILL ALLOWED, MAXIMAL TOTAL BILL Rp50,000,000FailedYour current transaction is exceeding the maximum total bill allowed, maximum total bill is Rp50.000.000.
32TRANSACTION FAILED, PLEASE PAY BILL OF ALL PERIODFailedYour current transaction isn’t covering all periods. Please try again to pay with all periods.
33TRANSACTION CAN'T BE PROCESS, PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATERFailedTransaction can't be process, please try again later.
34BILL HAS BEEN PAIDFailedYour bill for your current transaction has been paid. Please try again for another transaction.
35TRANSACTION REJECTED DUE TO ANOTHER UNPAID ARREARFailedYour transaction id failed. Please pay for your other arrear first, then try again your transaction.
36EXCEEDING DUE DATE, PLEASE PAY IN THE COUNTER / PDAMFailedYour current transaction is exceeding the due date. Please pay the transaction at the counter.
37PAYMENT FAILEDFailedYour payment failed, please try again later.
38PAYMENT FAILED, PLEASE DO ANOTHER REQUESTFailedYour payment failed, please try again with a new request.
39PENDING / TRANSACTION IN PROCESSPendingYour transaction is still being processed. You can check the status by using check-status API.
40TRANSACTION REJECTED DUE TO ALL OR ONE OF THE ARREAR/INVOICE HAS BEEN PAIDFailedYour transaction has already been paid. You can try again with another transaction.
41CAN'T BE PAID IN COUNTER, PLEASE PAY TO THE CORRESPONDING COMPANYFailedYour current transaction cannot be paid in the counter. You can pay your transaction to the corresponding company.
42PAYMENT REQUEST HAVEN'T BEEN RECEIVEDFailedYour current transaction is still in the inquiry process. Please continue your payment process first.
44TRANSACTION FAILED DUE TO EXCEEDING MAXIMAL DAILY INQUIRY ALLOWED, MAXIMAL TOTAL DAILY INQUIRY 100 TIMES.FailedYour transaction is exceeding your today's inquiry limit, please pay up your previous transactions.
45REQUEST FAILED DUE TO TOO MANY INQUIRY REQUESTS HAVING BEEN MADE.FailedYour current request is failed due too much inquiry request, please contact our customer service for more information.
76INVALID DATA / NIKFailedThe destination number (hp) that you’ve inputted has invalid data or Nomor Induk Kependudukan (NIK). Try checking your destination number (hp) for typos or try with another destination number (hp).
77INVALID CONTRIBUTION CODEFailedThe destination number (hp) that you’ve inputted has invalid contribution code or kode iuran. Try checking your destination number (hp) for typos or try with another destination number (hp).
91DATABASE CONNECTION ERRORFailedThere is an error on the database connection. Please try again later.
92GENERAL ERRORFailedThe received response code is undefined yet. Please contact our Customer Service.
93INVALID AMOUNTFailedThe amount inputted isn’t valid. Please check again your inputted amount.
100INVALID SIGNATUREFailedYour sign field doesn’t contain the right key for your current request. Please check again your sign value.
101INVALID COMMANDFailedThe command that you’ve inputted is not a valid command, try checking your commands field for typos or try another command.
102INVALID IP ADDRESSFailedYour IP address isn’t allowed to make a transaction. You can add your IP address to your allowed IP address list in
103TIMEOUTFailedYour current request exceeds the timeout limit. You can try to request it again.
105MISC ERROR / BILLER SYSTEM ERRORFailedThere is an error from the supplier. Please try again later.
106PRODUCT IS TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICEFailedThe code is in non-active status. You can retry your transaction with another code that has active status. You can check on Pricelist API.
107XML FORMAT ERRORFailedThe body format of your request isn’t correct or there is an error in your body (required, ajax error, etc). Please use the correct JSON or XML format corresponding to your request to API. You can see the required body request for each request in the API Documentation.
108SORRY, YOUR ID CAN'T BE USED FOR THIS PRODUCT TRANSACTIONFailedThe customer ID that you’ve inputted can’t be used for this product transaction. Please try again with another customer ID or another product.
109SYSTEM CUT OFFFailedPLN product code cannot receive a request at 11PM until 1AM (GMT +7). Please try again when the service is available.
110SYSTEM UNDER MAINTENANCEFailedThe system is currently under maintenance, you can try again later.
117PAGE NOT FOUNDFailedThe API URL that you want to hit is not found. Try checking your request URL for any typos or try other API URLs.
201UNDEFINED RESPONSE CODEPendingThe received response code is undefined yet. Please contact our Customer Service.