Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to commonly asked questions.

Still have question? Contact us at


Q: How to register as API user?

A: To register as API user can be done here

Q: I don't receive email varification

A: Make sure your email is valid. If you still don't receive verification email, click Resend Now button so we can resend verification to your email.

Q: Do you need to pay to register as API user?

A: No. Your can register freely. Register now

Change Account

Q: Can I change phone number?

A: No, you can register again if you want change your phone number.

Q: Can I change email?

A: Yes, you can contact us at to send letter of request.


Q: Can I view transaction history?

A: Yes you can view at Report menu here then choose the report type and filter that you want.

Q: Can I download report in PDF or Excel format?

A: Yes, after you click PROCESS button in Report menu here then you can choose download in PDF or Excel format.

Q: Is there an API for reporting?

A: No.

Sub User

Q: How to add sub user?

A: Yes, you can add sub user here and choose the authority that you want to grant.

Q: Can I edit sub user data?

A: Yes, you can edit sub user here and choose the sub user that you want to edit.

Q: Can I delete created sub user?

A: Yes, you can delete sub user here and choose the sub user that you want to delete.

API Setting

Q: Can one customer number do multiple transactions?

A: Yes, you can go to iak developer at API Setting -> Production Setting than activate Multiple transactions for same number. This permission allow the same customer number can do transaction more than once in a day to all denom. By default, customer number only can do one transaction per denom per day.

Q: Can I restrict one customer number only can do one transaction to all denom in a day?

A: Yes, you can go to iak developer at API Setting -> Production Setting than activate High restriction. Permission Multiple transactions for same number won't be applied if you activate High restriction.

Q: Can I whitelist specific IP only to make transaction?

A: Yes, you can go to iak developer at API Setting -> Production Setting than deactivate Allow transactions from any IP. After that you can input your IP in IP Settings section.

Q: Can I open whitelist IP from any IP?

A: Yes, you can go to iak developer at API Setting -> Production Setting than deactivate Allow transactions from any IP.

It is recommended to whitelist your IP from specific IP for security reason. Learn more here about security.

Q: Can I test Callback URL?

A: Yes. you can go to iak developer at API Setting -> Production Setting than click button Test button next to the callback URL input form.


Q: Can I change API key?

A: No, but you can request the change and email us at and cc to than include the following as message:

  • username
  • schedule when to be changed

Q: How to get API key production?

A: First you must activate your account at here. After activate your account, you can go to iak developer to get your production API key.


Q: Where can I see digital products pricelist?

A: You can get pricelist here or through API. To get pricelist via API, read our API Reference here.

Top Up Deposit

Q: How to top up balance?

A: You can top up balance from top up menu here -> fill the top up form -> there will appear the required data to transfer. Learn more here.

Q: Can I top up balance via API?

A: No.

Q: How to confirm top up deposit?

A: You can contact our customer service at 0817777215 or chat through freshchat.

Q: What is the time to top up?

A: At 07.00 AM - 09.00 PM, top up after 09.00 PM will be procceed next day.

Q: Can I do deposit withdrawal?

A: Yes, you can email to We will refund after 7 days work time.

Development Setting and Sandbox

Q: Can I do multiple actions in sandbox report?

A: No, only one action for one transaction.

Q: Where do callback sent in development?

A: You can set callback URL development at iak developer than fill callback URL than we will send callback response to your callback URL in development.

Q: Do I need to whitelist IP in development?

A: No, only in production that needed to whitelist IP.

Q: I received Undefined Response when call API. What can I do?

A: Usually undefined response given because of several reason. Make sure that:

  • URL is right and there is no space in the URL.
  • JSON / XML body is valid
  • Header is right. For JSON set header Content-Type: application/json and XML Content-Type: application/xml Learn here for API request.

Prepaid API

Q: How long callback is sent in production?

A: Max 24 hours.

Q: Can I auto detect operator when top up?

A: Yes but only for pulsa product type. You can use pulsanominal as the product code. IAK will automatically detect the operator corresponding to customer number. Learn more about auto detect operator.

Q: How can I get profit from prepaid transaction?

A: You can mark up the price as your profit margin.

Q: I get response FAILED, can I get a FAILED reason from API?

A: No, but you can contact our customer service at freshchat.

Postpaid API

Q: Can I use callback for postpaid?

A: No. You can use check status in postpaid. Learn more about check status.

Q: How can I get profit from postpaid transaction?

A: For every postpaid transaction, you will get commission as your profit margin.

Q: How the commission is calculated?

A: Your deposit will be deducted based on the selling_price response field.

pulsa_price = transaction total that must be paid by end user

selling_price = pulsa_price - commission


Q: Can I do payment with settlement or only possible with the deposit?

A: Payment only can be done with deposit.


Q: Will it be taxed every time I do deposit?

A: No, tax is based on transaction. If you need tax invoice contact us at