Operator Prefix List

Below is the prefix list for mobile recharge top up. If the customer ID prefix not match with below table, IAK will give response NUMBER NOT MATCH WITH OPERATOR.

Operator NamePrefix List
INDOSAT ( hindosat, isatdata )0814,0815,0816,0855,0856,0857,0858
XL ( xld, xldata )0817,0818,0819,0859,0878,0877
AXIS ( haxis, axisdata )0838,0837,0831,0832
TELKOMSEL ( htelkomsel, tseldata)0812,0813,0852,0853,0821,0823,0822,0851
SMARTFREN ( hsmart )0881,0882,0883,0884, 0885,0886,0887,0888
THREE ( hthree, threedata)0896,0897,0898,0899,0895
by.U (hbyu)085154, 085155, 085156, 085157,085158